
our story




The Wedding Of

Wahyu & Ratih

Love is patient, love is kind,

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

All about love

“I learned time and time again that human beings cannot be saved, or fixed, or grown by others – they can only be loved. So I will love you, and I will love you well.

I will love you on the days your laughter meets your eyes, and I will love you just as much when it does not. I will love you on the days you are made of light, and I will love you just as much when the world feels like a load you have to carry upon your shoulders. I will love you through your healing, and I will love you through your hurt. I will love you through your peace, and I will love you through your pain. I will love you when you love yourself , and I will love you when you do not.

Dear our loved families and friends,
Mr. Thomas I Made Gunawan & Mrs. Christiana Ni Ketut Darni
together with
Mr. Edi Prayitno & Mrs. Fransisca Xaveria Darini

are pleased to announce the marriage of their children, therefore request the honour of your presence to celebrate the union of


Raimundus Wahyu Gunawan


Margaretha Ratih Vidyasari

The Wedding

January, 21th 2021


Wedding Reception

at 3 pm – 8 pm

Jalan Pantai Berawa 02, Br. Pelambingan, Kuta Utara


Watch our best moments

Dear Family & Friends,
The health & safety of our guests has always been our priority. In light of the current circumstances & social restrictions, we would like to inform you some steps you have to follow before coming to our wedding ceremony:


friend wishes

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Share the day on Instagram and tag us both


With love

Wahyu & Ratih

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