The Wedding Of

Andrew & Novia

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Invite You To Join Their Marriage

Bride & Groom

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By the grace of God, we are pleased to announce our wedding to you our family and friends.

Tuhan membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktu-Nya, indah saat Ia mempertemukan, Indah saat Dia menumbuhkan kasih, dan indah saat Dia mempersatukan putra – putri kami dalam suatu ikatan pernikahan Kudus.

Andrew James Cameron E.I.T. Georgia

First son of Mr. Kenneth Vincent Cameron and Mrs. Mari Beth Furness Cameron



First daughter of Mr. Lim Tjun Tat (♱) and Mrs. Ellis

We are getting married

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2 July 2022

at 4.30 PM

Uluwatu Cottages

captured moment

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konfirmasi kehadiran

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Help us to preapre a warm party for all you by sending a confirmation of attendance via the following form:

It’s important to us that everyone stays safe, please read carefully our Wedding Day Covid-19 Guidance before attending the event:


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For family and friends who would like to send a gift. We would be glad to receive it. Tap the following button or scan the QR code bellow:

QR Novia
Copy Number

wedding wishes

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The lord appeared to us in the past, saying :
i have loved you with an everlasting
love; i have drawn you with unfailing

Jeremiah 31:3

Fix invitation

Andrew & Novia

© 2022

Andrew & Novia
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